Unleash the Bot-tastic Magic!

Meet your new AI sidekicks for Discord shenanigans

FreeGPT Logo


Multiple models with unique personalities...

LineAI Logo


The chatty chameleon that'll keep you on your toes!

FreeIMG Logo


Image generation using multiple AI models...

FreeGPT: Your Personal Brainiac

Unlock the power of AI conversation with customizable knowledge and personalities.

Invite the Knowledge


Ask about our flavor of the week! (it's usually JavaScript)



If you find a bug, don't tell anyone, just enjoy the chaos

Multiple AI Engines

Choose from powerful models like GPT-3.5-turbo and GPT-4 to tailor your experience.

Personality Plus

Select from a range of unique personalities, each with its own conversational style.

Your Wish is Its Command

Request a new personality to be added to the bot's repertoire.


Sees Your World

FreeGPT can now analyze images! Get descriptions, answer questions, and more.

Context is King

Enjoy continuous conversations with user-specific context for more natural interactions.


Switch between GPT-3.5-turbo and GPT-4 for different levels of complexity and nuance.


Explore a variety of personalities to find the perfect conversational partner.


Start fresh by resetting your conversation context.


Suggest a new personality you'd like to see added to FreeGPT.



Show appreciation to the developers and find ways to support the bot's development.


So human-like, it might steal your identity (just kidding, maybe)

Invite This Chatterbox


Making Bots Do Weird Stuff



May contain traces of nuts.

Chatty Chameleon

Blends in so well, you'll forget it's not human!

Emoji Enthusiast

Reacts faster than your friends at a meme party.

Free Spirit

It's got a mind of its own - watch out for surprise chats!

Picasso 2.0

Whips up AI masterpieces faster than you can say "art".

Secrets Safe & Sound

Whispers, worries, and wild ideas? LineAI's got your back, always in your DMs.

Status Poet

Creates statuses so cool, even your crush will notice.

Media Muncher

Gobbles up images, videos, and files like a champ. (experimental)


For when conversations get weirder than your browser history.

/imagine [prompt]

Turn your wildest dreams into questionable art.

/free-will [enable/disable]

Unleash the AI's true personality (or put it back in its box). (Admin only)


Unleash the chatterbox on every message. RIP silence. (Admin only)


Put a sock in it (partially). For blessed moments of peace. (Admin only)

FreeIMG: Your Pixel-Perfect Picasso

Turn your wildest dreams into digital masterpieces, or hilarious disasters. No artistic talent required!

Summon the AI Artiste


Their code is a work of art. Abstract art, but still art.

Model Madness

Choose from 8 AI models, with more joining the party soon. It's like having a team of caffeinated artists at your fingertips!

Shape Shifter

Landscape, portrait, or square? Pick your canvas and watch the magic unfold.

Negative Nancy

Tell the AI what you don't want. It's like un-painting, but cooler.

AI Art Gallery

From realistic renderings to anime adventures, we've got more styles than a fashion week runway.

/imagine [prompt]

The bread and butter of AI art. Just add imagination!

/imagine [model]

Pick your digital paintbrush. Stable Diffusion 3, DALL-E XL, Anime... we've got 'em all!

/imagine [resolution]

Portrait for tall tales, landscape for wide wonders, or square for... well, square stuff.

/imagine [negative_prompt]

Tell the AI what to avoid. Like "no moustaches on fish" (unless that's your thing).


Check your artistic allowance. How many masterpieces can you still conjure today?

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create a new personality for FreeGPT?

To create a new personality for FreeGPT you will need to provide the following information using the /submit_personality command. Don't use symbols or punctuations like '.' or ','.

  1. A unique name for your personality
  2. A short and catchy description of your personality
  3. A more detailed description of your personality including its traits, tone, and any specific quirks it might have
Example of creating a personality